bloons td battles 2

Can I WIN With ONLY Snipers in BANANZA?! (Bloons TD Battles 2)

Bonnie Is The BEST Hero In Battles 2... Here's Why

The BEST Strategy in Bloons TD Battles 2!

This ILLEGAL Strategy is Legal Now!

I used SSundee's Strategy in Bloons TD Battles 2!

The BEST Tower in Bloons TD Battles 2!

My Top 3 BEST Strategies in Bloons TD Battles 2! (EASY WINS)

The Current META Strategy In Battles 2!

Bloons TD Battles 2 Gameplay🎈🐒⚔️

My FAVORITE Towers Are AMAZING! (Bloons TD Battles 2)

So I copied literally EVERYTHING this NOOB did... (Bloons TD Battles 2)

We got to Round 101 in BTD Batlles 2! (BANANZA UPDATE)

ALL pain, NO gain. (BTD Battles 2)

This GOD Tower Combination is AMAZING! (Bloons TD Battles 2)

Super *OP* Spike Factory in Bloons TD Battles 2

NEW Hero - Bonnie The Bloonstone Miner Is AMAZING! (Bloons TD Battles 2)

How To ACTUALLY Eco in Bloons TD Battles 2!

This BEAST Tower Combination is INSANE! (Bloons TD Battles 2)

The BEST Strategy in Bloons TD Battles 2!

PRO teaches NOOB Bloons TD Battles 2!

The #1 Tower In Battles 2 Right Now... (Bloons TD Battles 2)


This OP Strategy is LEGAL Now! (Bloons TD Battles 2)

So I played in EVERY arena in Bloons TD Battles 2...